Facial steam:
Steam bath or facial steam opens the pores. For this purpose, clean your face. Boil 3 cups of water and add a teaspoon of each these herbs yarrow, sage, rosemary and wild mint to the water. After 5 minutes get the face at 25 cm distance of dish and, while your eyes are closed, wait ten minutes. Then wash your face with cold water and gently dry with a towel.
Drink water:
Drink eight to ten glasses of water daily. This amount water partially is hydrating the body and thus flexibility and softness of the skin is maintained and it prevents the accumulation of toxins in the upper layer of the skin. To retain the water in the inner layer of skin and thus help to its disposal, you should use moisturizer every day.
Drag Brassieres on your face:
Dragging a soft brush on the skin is a Japanese trick that helps to the blood circulation in the skin and thus carry oxygen to this area. With this, the pores were opened and toxins are excreted easily.
Don't forget the Massage:
Massage of the skin with olive oil, makes it transparent. Olive oil is moisturizing.
Take antioxidant:
Foods containing unsaturated fats and omega-3, such as fish, walnuts, canola oil and fruits and vegetables that contain antioxidants, prevent the liver's obstruction, and resulting the skin cleansing is done easily.
Do not forget the mask:
Clay mask is very effective in skin cleansing.
Herbal tea is also effective:
Taking the root of Burdock is very lucrative to sweat and cleanse of skin. In this order, boil half a liter of water and add 10 grams of root Burdock. When its concentration reaches to third, filter and pour it in a pot. Eat three cups of this tea a day to just lukewarm.
Quit smoking:
Stop smoking. Smoking obstructs your skin's pores.
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